Terms of use

Last Updated: August 14, 2022

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using (Folgue).

These are the general conditions governing the use of our services and the agreement that operates between you and (Folgue). These general conditions define the rights and obligations of all users concerning the use of (Folgue).

Your access to and use of (Folgue) are conditioned by your acceptance of and compliance with these general conditions. These terms and conditions apply to all visitors, users and other people who access or use (Folgue).

By accessing or using (Folgue), you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with part of these general conditions, you cannot access (Folgue). You declare that you are over 12 years old. We do not allow children under 12 to use (Folgue).

Your access to and use of the Service are also conditioned on Your acceptance of and compliance with the (Folgue) Privacy Policy. It describes our policies and procedures on the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information when you use the app or website and informs you of your privacy rights and how the law protects you. Please read our privacy policy carefully.


We may terminate or suspend your access immediately, without notice or liability, for any reason, if you violate these terms and conditions. In the event of termination, Your right to use (Folgue) will cease immediately.

Limitation of Liability

1-To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, under no circumstances (Folgue) or its partners can be held liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damage including, but not limited to, damage for loss profit, loss of data or other information, in the event of business interruption, bodily injury.

2-A loss of confidentiality resulting from or in any way related to the use or inability to use (Folgue), third-party software and / or third-party material used with (Folgue), or otherwise in relationship with any provision of these Terms, even if we have been made aware of the possibility of such damage and even if the remedy fails its essential purpose.

Some countries do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or the limitation of liability for incidental or consequential damages, which means that some of the above limitations may not apply. In such countries, the liability of each party will be limited to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Our premium offers

Access to (Folgue) and 80% of these features is free. But to ensure the proper functioning and financing of our services, we have reserved a few features for paid use. This is why we have created premium offers.

Our premium offers are easy to access and at low prices. They allow you to have access to all the features such as: access to videos reserved for premium members, audio / video call, tools for companies, privileges of our algorithm for the popularity of your account or pages, the Vip badge on your profile, Possibility to sell on the platform, access to informative articles, one step of account certification, pages, advanced access to data, favorable monetization, access to private learning groups, advertising bonuses , the boost of publications and pages etc...

What you need to know about our premium offers:

1-We offer 5 types of offers: the first is for 3 days to allow users to try it out, the second is weekly, the 3rd is monthly and the other 2 are annual, one of which is reserved for companies (you can view premium offers from your profile via the menu). We do not offer recurring subscriptions or commitments. You are free to subscribe, renew your subscription or stop at any time.

2-We do not refund payments on premium offers. On the offers page, we have detailed all the advantages of each offer; read them carefully in addition to these terms of use. We also have a three-day offer at very low prices, to allow you to try and then extend if you wish.

Monetization of accounts

You can earn money with (Folgue). All accounts, pages, groups can be monetized and the earnings depend on the popularity of the accounts, type of content, revenue generated and interaction.

What you need to know about monetization:

1-The first step of monetization on (Folgue) is the affiliation and the sale of content. In your profile settings, in the monetization tab you have access to your affiliate link that you can share with other people. You can also sell content (video or image publications), you can also make it accessible by subscription on which we will take a small percentage (10 to 20%).

You will earn a percentage on each commercial activity of each user registered on your link such as: the purchase of premium offer, advertising, account recharge, product purchase etc...

These earnings on each affiliate user are unlimited. As long as your account is active, and as long as your affiliates are doing business on (Folgue), you will still earn money.

If, for example, you have 6,000 affiliate users, and those users generate £20,000 per month, you earn between £2,000 and £4,000 per month. If you are popular on other platforms and have a lot of connections, this is the opportunity for you.

2-The second step in monetization is interaction. We offer points on each activity of each user through their account, pages and groups. These points are obtained through the publications, comments, likes, shares, number of subscribers, views on videos etc.

Example 1: Suppose you post 50 comments and get 60 comments for a total of 110. Each comment is worth 10 points. You have therefore obtained 1100 points for your 110 comments. The point exchange rate is: 275 points = £1. so you have won £4.

Example 2: in one week you have made 7 posts, and each post is worth 70 points. The current point exchange rate is: 70 points = £1. You have therefore earned £7 for your points obtained.

Please note that the points exchange rate may vary depending on the income generated and the monetization funds available. You can see the points exchange rate in your profile setting.

All of your monetization earnings will go to your balance. To recover your winnings you can make withdrawals via Paypal, transfer, or other means depending on your country. (You can see your balance in profile settings).

Any false publications, comments intended to deceive our algorithms to obtain points will be sanctioned by a suspension of your account.

All your posts, comments or all other actions must be authentic and not to obtain points.

Your commitments to (Folgue).

What you can do on (Folgue):

1-Use your real identity like: your real name, first name, one of your most popular name and all other information about yourself. Create a single account for you and use for personal or other lawful purposes.

2-We are a community where trust exists between users. Do not lie about your identity or your activity. Any account created and used for the purpose of scamming other users will be immediately suspended.

3- In your publications, comments, avoid threatening or intimidating expressions, insults etc... Be courteous. (Folgue) is a community in which members respect each other in all circumstances.

4-We expect every user to respect the dignity of others, and not to harass or belittle others. Yes you can do it!

You can also report any potentially infringing content, such as pages, groups, profiles, comments etc ...

What you cannot do:

1-Your account belongs to you, you cannot share your password, allow others to access your account or transfer it to anyone.

2-You may not import viruses or malicious code or act in a way that could disable, overload or prevent the proper functioning of this platform.

3-You may not share content that violates these Terms, which is illegal, misleading, discriminating or fraudulent. Content that infringes or violates third party rights, including intellectual property rights.

Applicable right

The laws of any country, excluding its conflict of law rules, will govern these terms and your use of this platform. Your use of (Folgue) may also be subject to other local, state, national or international laws.

Dispute resolution

If you have any concerns or disputes with us, you first agree to try to resolve the dispute informally by contacting us.

Amendments to these general conditions

We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace these terms at any time. If a revision is material, we will use reasonable efforts to provide at least 15 days notice before any new condition comes into effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined in our sole discretion.

By continuing to access or use our service after these revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised terms. If you do not agree to the new terms, in whole or in part, please stop using (Folgue) and these services.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, you can contact us on one of our official accounts.

By email: info@folgue.com